+ Apocalypto
Anathema!! A movie that does not abide by the P.C. standard of the bad white man -conquistadores, crusaders, slave traders- killing peaceful, pure, immaculate “bon sauvages”. How dare you, Mel?
No wonder self-hating leftards are standing in arms. Cruelty is a monopoly of the west. Depicting Mayans as ruthless and brutal is stereotypical and inaccurate, however, depicting Europeans as crusaders, or greedy bloodthirsty colonists, is well deserved, for only Europe and her offspring America have ever done evil to the world. The BBC says so.
Islam is the religion of peace; Mayans lived happily in perpetual peace loving each other in the garden of Garden of Eden in Central America. So were all the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa, until evil came to them from afar, from the shores of the cursed lands of the white Christian man.
Evil comes from Western Civilization, good comes from elsewhere. Everything that is not in accordance with the One Multiculti dogma shall be vilified.Por Lawrence de Eurabia